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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  October 17, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> pelley: tonight, a terror plot aimed at the heart of america's financial system. fors say a bangledeshy man was caught today in a scheme to blow up the federal reserve bank of new york. john miller is on the case. scoring the presidential doubt. >> production is down. >> no, it isn't. >> production on government land of oil is down 14%. >> pelley: each accusedly the other of not speaking the truth. we'll sort out the facts with wyatt andrews, nancy cordes, and jan crawford. lance armstrong resigns today and is fired repeatedly by his sponsors. >> if you have a doping offense or it's positive it goes without saying that you're fired. >> pelley: and john blackstone in san francisco with the fastest boats on the bay, looking to capture a wave of new fans.
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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. the f.b.i. says it has arrested a young man in a manhattan hotel today as he pushed the buttons to set off what he believed was a massive truck bomb outside the federal reserve bank of new york. what the man didn't know was that his accomplices worked for the f.b.i. the plot unfolded in the heart of lower manhattan, a few blocks from the former world trade center site. the federal reserve bank of new york is vital to the nation's financial system. it is the clearing house for the transactions of the nation's largest banks. and the storage site of vast reserves of gold. senior correspondent john miller has been talking to his source at the foeb, and he has details of the plot and the suspect. >> reporter: quazi mohammad nafis came to the u.s. from bangledesh on a student visa to
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study at southeast missouri state university. he caught the f.b.i.'s attention allegedly in an extremist online chat room trying to form a terror cell. agents posing as al qaeda facilitators arranged a meeting with nafis, in which he allegedly laid out his plan to attack new york city. an f.b.i. affidavit alleges that nafis helped building a 1,000-pound bomb in a long island warehouse. in audio and videotaped conversations with an f.b.i. informant, nafis allegedly said he wanted to "destroy america" on behalf of al qaeda. according to the f.b.i., while planning the bombing, nafis told an undercover agent, "what i really mean is that i don't want something that's, like, small. i just want something big, something very big." this morning, the 21-year-old allegedly drove a van he believed carried the bomb downtown and parked it in front of the federal reserve bank of new york.
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nafis walked a short distance to this hotel, where the f.b.i. says he then recorded a video claiming responsibility for the attack. agents then say he used a cell phone to remotely detonate the device, but the ingredients the f.b.i. had provided for the bomb were harmless. nafis was arrested moments later. new york city police commissioner ray kelly. >> this individual came here with the express purpose of committing a terrorist act. he was motivated by al qaeda, so we see this threat as, you know, being with us for a long time to come. >> reporter: it is possible they may take other people into custody in this case. they are looking at, at least five other people that they are talking to who are associates of nafis. scott, nafis, if convicted in this case, could face life in prison. >> pelley: john, it was about eight months ago that a man who thought he was blowing up the united states capitol was arrested in a very similar sting operation. how often is the f.b.i. doing this kind of operation?
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>> reporter: scott, in the universe of cases since 9/11, there have been about 300 arrests in terrorism cases. of that, about 100 have involved plots. and of those, about a quarter of them, 25 or so, have involved things just like this-- actual stings where people carried what they believed to be real bombs to launch attacks. so a lot more often than the general public is really aware. >> pelley: is this al qaeda? >> reporter: this is al qaeda's narrative, which is now on the loose in the internet chat rooms without even having to be driven by spokespeople like osama bin laden. and it's like a spreading cancer even today. >> pelley: self-motivated individual terrorists. >> reporter: right, and loan wolfs who seek others and put together small crews. >> pelley: last night's presidential debate was the most rancorous in history. folks have been talking all day about who won. we did an instant poll last night of 500 uncommitted voters
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and 37% said the president won. 30% said, no, it was governor romney. 33% said it was just a tie. after their first debate two weeks ago, romney made serious gains in the swing states among women who had been trending toward the president. after last night, our poll of uncommitted voters found 39% of the women thought mr. obama won. 29% mr. romney. 33% a tie. nancy cordes is covering the obama campaign for us tonight. nancy. >> reporter: scott, one of the president's main goals last night was to try to bring some of those women back into the fold. in fact, both men shared personal stories that were designed to appeal to women, though in one notable case, that may have backfired. an audience member, katherine fenton, gave both candidates the perfect opening. >> in what new ways do you intend to rectify the
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inequalities in its workplace, specifically regarding female who make only 72% of what their male counter parts earn. >> catherine, this was a great question. i was raised by a single mom who had to put herself through school while looking after two kids. >> reporter: president obama pointed out the first bill he signed when he took office gave women more leeway to sue employers over unequal pay. >> i have two daughters and i want to make sure that they have the same opportunities that anybody's sons have. >> reporter: romney argued he made hiring women a priority when he was elected governor of massachusetts in 2002. >> we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. i went to a number of women's groups and said can you help us find folks? they brought us whole binders full of women. >> reporter: today, jesse mermell, who oversaw the group that compiled those binders said this in a conference wall with reporters-- >> "to be perfectly clear, mitt
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romney did not request those resumes. after the election, our group approached the romney transition team with the resumes or so-called binders of women. >> reporter: in the debate, romney argued of it the slow case of recovery under mr. obama that was really hurting working women. >> there are 3.5 million more women living in poverty today than when the president took office. in the last four years, women have lost 580,000 jobs. >> reporter: both the president and governor romney have a history of higher strong women. the president's secretary of state is a woman. the governor's chief of staff is a woman. but what probably matters most to women voters, scott, is which candidate they think will do a better job putting women and men back to work in the next four years. >> pelley: nancy, in our poll last night, we asked which candidate would do a better job handling the economy. nearly twice as many said governor romney. 65% to 34%. but, president obama led on
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handling foreign policy 55% to 43%. governor romney went after the president last night on the subject of the terror attack on the u.s. consulate in libya that killed the u.s. ambassador and three other americans. jan crawford is with the romney campaign tonight. jan. >> reporter: well, scott, for weeks, republicans have said the president's reluctant to call the attacks terrorism is a sign his administration doesn't have a competent national security policy. last night, the president said he did call it an act of terror within 24 hours of the attacks. that is a new explanation and it triggered a clash between the president, romney, and the debate moderator. >> i think it's interesting the president just said something which-- which is that on the day after the attack he went in the rose garden and said that this was an act of terror. you said in the rose garden the day after the attack it was an act of terror? it was not a spontaneous
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demonstration is that what you're saying. >> please proceed, governor. >> i-- i-- i want to make sure we get that for the record because it took the president 14 days before he called attack in benghazi an act of terror. >> get the transcript. >> reporter: the transcript of the president's comment in the rose garden the day after the attack shows he does use those words. >> no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for." >> reporter: but with that statement, mr. obama didn't directly say the libya attack qualified as one of those acts of terror. earlier in his remarks, he seemed to suggest the attacks instead were triggered by an anti-muslim video. >> we reject all effort effortso denigrate the religious beliefs of others, but there is absolute no justification to this type of senseless violence. >> reporter: top administration officials, including u.n. ambassador susan rice, delivered that message over the next five days.
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of on "face the nation" rice suggested the benghazi incident might have been triggered by demstrailingses in cairo over the film. >> it began spontaneously in benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in cairo. >> reporter: and for two weeks, the president declined to call it terrorism. but debate moderator candy crawley accepted the president's interpretation last night telling romney. >> he did, in fact, sir. so let me call it an act of terror. >> you can say that a little louder, candy? >> he did call it an act of terror. >> reporter: now, many republicans say they think that romney missed a real opportunity last night to forcefully challenge crawley and the president over what they say, scott, is a new timeline that just doesn't square with the facts. >> pelley: jan, thanks very much. the candidates aren't the only ones to make a mistake. we made a mistake.
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in our coverage of the memorial service for u.s. ambassador chris stevens who was killed in libya, we said stevens left behind a wife and two children. we were wrong about that. stevens was not married and had no children. at the debate with more than 65 million people watching on tv, the candidates were literally face to face, toe to toe, pointing fingers at one another, each man challenging the truthfulness of just about everything that the other man said. no issue was hotter than drilling for oil and gas, and we asked wyatt andrews to do some drilling for the facts. >> in the last four years, you cut permits and licenses on federal land and federal waters in half. >> not true, governor romney. governor, we have actually produced more oil-- >> no, no, how much did you cut licenses and permits on federal land and federal waters. >> governor romney, here's what we did. there were ace whole bunch of oil companies-- >> i had a question, and the question was how much did you cut them by? >> reporter: behind this tense confrontation, mitt romney's
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basic claim is the president could have leased more public land and produces more domestic energy. >> production is up. >> production is down. >> no it isn't, production is down 14%. >> reporter: romney's 14% statistic comes from this department of natural report, but he has focused only on one year, the year after the historic b.p. accident which led to a suspension on deepwater oil extraction. according to the interior department, romney is correct that the total number of energy leases on federal land is down sharply. the president argued that federal leases don't always lead to wells, and that in any event, domestic energy is increasing. >> oil production is up. natural gas production is up. >> reporter: energy department reports confirm that. compared to the last year of the bush administration, oil production is up almost 13%, natural gas is up more than 14%. the disagreement and the tension here began with a question over
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gasoline prices, and both candidates claimed their policies would help at the pump. neither candidate mentioned this oil prices are set on the world market or that the u.s. share of that is relatively small. to most economists, scott, drilling could help jobs and could lower imports but not do very much to lower gas prices. >> pelley: wyatt, thanks for that. there has been a dramatic increase in home construction. lance armstrong got fired today by some big-money sponsors. and the phenomenon that will light up the sky when the cbs evening news continues. i've bou. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] hey kev, how about a bike ride? you're not my dad ahh!! hey honey, back feels better, little dancing tonight, you and me? dr. scholl's pro inserts relieve different types of lower body pain
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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. lance armstrong. he was forced to step down as chairman of his cancer charity, livestrong, and today at least five sponsors fired him. armstrong was once cycling's biggest star, but last, we the u.s. anti-doping agency released a massive report that said he used banned drugs throughout his career. armen keteyian reports on what this means for armstrong. >> reporter: the seven-time tour de france winner and nike were inseparable for more than 10 years. nike said today, "due to the seemingly insurmountable evidence that lance armstrong participated in doping and misled nike for more than a decade, it is with great sadness that we have terminated our contract with him." armstrong said he was stepping down to spare the foundation any negative effects as a result of
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controversy surrounding my cycling career. katherine mcclane is his spokesperson for livestrong. >> of course we're concerned, and that's one of the reasons why lance made the decision that he announced today, stepping away as chairman and allowing new leadership to steer this organization. >> reporter: since 1997, livestrong has raised nearly a half a billion dollars. the foundation says its purpose is not research but instead helping cancer survivors with employment and financial concerns, insurance problems, and access to care, particularly in developing nations. >> the critics say i'm artbant, a doper. >> reporter: endorsements like the one he lost today, have made armstrong's one of the world's richest athletes. over the last 10 years, he's made more than an estimated $100 million. in 2005, armstrong was suing a company in a contract dispute over a $5 million bonus after winning his sixth straight tour. in a sworn deposition, he denied
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allegations of doping. >> if you have a doping offense or you test positive, it goes without saying that you're fired from all of your contracts, not just the team, but there's numerous contracts that i have. it's also about the faith that people have put in me over the years. all of that would be eerased. so i don't need it to say nay contract, "you're fired if you test positive." that's not as important as losing the support of hundreds of millions of people. >> reporter: the international cycling union has until the end of this month to officially strip armstrong of his seven tour titles. if they do, it will likely trigger an avalanche of lawsuit from sponsors and business partners, scott. >> pelley: armen, thank you. in health news tonight, a large study of multivitamins found that they may slightly lower a healthy man's risk of developing cancer by about 8%. other studies have found the best way to lower your cancer risk are diet, exercise, and not
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smoking. there is some positive news about the health of the economy tonight. the government says that home construction was up 15% last month. builders were putting up single family homes at the fastest pace in four years. but in california, dozens of homes are in the path of a fast-moving wildfire. we'll have that coming up. [ voice of dennis ] safe driving bonus check? t-free... ...but i'm a woman. maybe it's a misprint. does it look like a misprint? ok. what i was trying... [ voice of dennis ] silence. ♪ ask an allstate agent about the safe driving bonus check. are you in good hands? i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over.
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former senator george mcgovern says he is it near death in a
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hospice in south dakota. mcgovern, who is 90, is best known for his ill-fated run for president. he captured the democratic nomination in 1972 but because of squabbling at the convention, he couldn't give his acceptance speech until 3:00 in the morning. he abandoned his first running mate and then lost in a landslide to president nixon. mcgovern ran as an anti-vietnam war candidate rarely mentioning his own military heroism as a bomber pilot in world war ii. he worked to tight world hunger. shoulsheriff's deputies are goig door to door in california telling people to get out as a wildfire closes in. about 100 homes are threatened by the fire. it started this morning and has already burned 25 acres. air tankers have been called in to bombard the flames. if the weather is right this weekend, we could see a spectacular sky show, a meteor shower caused by debris that
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>> pelley: between alcatraz and the golden gate bridge, visitors to san francisco bay witnessed an incredible sight. a state-of-the-art sail boat, the oracle team u.s.a., catamaran, flipped on to its side. the boat capsized yesterday during a training run. no one was hurt but the boat was badly damaged. these modern racing boats slice through the water at twice the speed of older models. john blackstone tells us it is a sport in search of new fans. >> reporter: the million-dollar sailboats racing on san francisco bay often narrowly miseach other and sometimes come dangerously close to capsizing. speed and danger are bringing new excitement to an old sport. >> this is not your grandfather's sailboat. >> this is definitely-- no. it's speed and the technicality it seems of these new boats. i mean, everything happens so fast. >> come on, here we go. >> reporter: travis rice knows
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plenty about speed. he's a professional snow boarder, an x-games champion who pushed to get on board one of the new-style racing boats used to train crews for next year's america's cup competition. >> i think that this new approach is really going to give, you know, a lot of the younger generation a bit of whip lash when they really are able to connect and see what's going on here. >> reporter: to reach new fans, the americas cup organization is hoping to scawrpt tv viewers by putting live cameras and microphones right on the boats. viewers get an upclose look at the action, even the occasional man overboard. on screen, the same kind of electronic tricks used in other televised sports help explain just what'sing if on, although nonsailers may still be left baffled. >> they slow the boat down as they jul the genicker to go
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around the mark. >> these catamarans maneuver on a tight course, traveling at up to 35 miles per hour. fast enough to impress even a champion snow boarder. >> i see the faces of those guys when i was out just riding along, and, man, everyone is just sweating bullets, panting, doing everything they can. i mean, they're athletes. >> reporter: right now, they're training for the main event, the americas cup competition next summer on san francisco bay. the boats then will be almost twice as big and nearly a third faster. the boats have become so expensive to build, america's cup sailor sailors are hoping tn help guarantee the future of the 161-year-old race. john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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this is 9news now. >> we begin with a developing story tonight at 7:00. a man is under arrest allegedly for plotting to blow up the federal reserve building in manhattan. federal authorities say the suspect was nabbed during a sting operation and the public was never in any danger. cbs's reports from new york. >> federal authorities say 21- year-old quazi mohammad rezwanul ahsan nafis wanted to die as a martyr. he came here with a student visa in january to attend southeast missouri state university where he was to study cyber security. but he reportedly relocated to new york after just one semester. according to a law enforcement source, the fbi became aware. he claimed to have


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